Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's Cliché and I want it

So a little while back we had a candlelight ceremony for one of our sisters who got engaged. I had heard of a candlelight, it’s something that happens when a sister gets engaged, married, or pregnant or has other really big news. I had always had kind of a “whateves” attitude towards it but OH MY GAWD I WANT ONE. Was it sweet? Yes. Was it cliché? Absolutely. Yet I am still going to have one.

I mean, if you’re any sort of girl you have a Pinterest, which is basically the perfect tool for creating your ideal everything from your wedding, body, closet, and future. Are you really ever going to take that picture of you and your mom holding a frame around yourselves before your wedding? Probably not. Are you that annoying person that posts every quote about not needing a man? If yes, you suck, and you probably think you need one. All of these things are cliché, and we know that. So why are we still pinning them and thinking about them as ways to live?

The answer is that we are girls, and being obsessive over basically everything is just what we do. I’m only half kidding. As sorority girls, or just girls in general, we are generally taught to be perfect at everything and in complete control of our lives. We are obsessed with perfection because that’s how we are raised, whether it’s by our parents or by the media. You should know how to cook well and eat what you cook, but you should never gain weight. You should work hard to have a nice body, but you shouldn't have to work that hard to be naturally hott. And you should be fully educated and intelligent but know how to be a good housewife someday. As girls, we ARE the cliché of perfection.

The cliché often represents the ideal, which is why it is what we want. We want to be everything all at once. However, the cliché isn't necessarily bad. It can help us to be better, as long as it is taken with balance. Because so much of the ideal is being two things that are the opposite of each other, the only thing to do is to be good at both. Kick ass at school, go to graduate school, and be able to work and raise a family, with the help of a husband who is man enough to help you raise it. Be able to cook because being able to entertain is a crucial skill, and enjoy what you make. Workout, not to be a hott soccer mom, but because your life will be so much better with a healthy body and mind. Cliché things on Pinterest such a cute pictures of your kids or little things to give your husband to remind him you care? Do those. They are dumb but it you like them, they will improve your life. Have a candlelight ceremony to include the people you care about in your life. Live the cliché and don’t regret it, just do use it to improve your life.

P.S. In case you want to see some of my clichés, you can visit my pinterest here 

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