I am blonde haired, green eyed, and pale skinned, and I went through one hell of an awkward stage. So naturally, I read every single beauty and makeup column I could find, to try to find some magic cream or makeup that could turn me into the beautiful girls I saw bouncing around in a country music video. I like to think I've exited my awkward stage now, and from it I have a lot of experience with what does and doesn't work.
First, I like to think I take a very practical approach to beauty. If you are willing to put in the effort to put on an entire face of makeup and do an entire head of hair in the morning, and give up sleep for that, more power to you. But my bed and I are in a great relationship and enjoy each other's company, thank you very much. Beauty does not have to be complicated or time consuming. Find what works for you and what makes you feel good, and stick with it and build on it. A healthy body and confidence will do more for you than anything you could find at Sephora.
When I was about twelve, all of the girls in my seventh grade class were starting to wear mascara and blush and eye shadow, and I wanted it too. But one morning, when I came down the stairs ready to go to school with metallic purple eye shadow on, my dad tried to explain something to me that I now always try to remember. It's called the "pool test," but I call it the shower test because I don't think anyone looks good after basically soaking in chlorine. The pool test focuses around the idea that if you push a girl into a pool, and all of her makeup disappears in the water, will she still be pretty when she gets out of the water. If she is, then you know she is naturally beautiful. If she gets out and looks like a completely different person, there's something wrong. I kid you not, there was a girl in my high school class who wore so much makeup that on the day she didn't wear any, we all thought there was a new student. So step out of the shower and look at yourself. What features (on your face) stand out the most that you like? Identify them, and go from there.
I love the saying "go big or go home." My favorite response is "I never go home." I love more of everything. More shopping, more pink, more froyo, more summer, more more more. This is probably why I own more lip gloss and hair products than any sane person should have. However, when it comes to actually putting on makeup, less is more. Makeup should enhance your beauty, not make your face into a billboard for whatever brand you use. Obviously there are occasions that require more than just being subtle, but for everyday activities, keep it light. Have you ever read the Seventeen beauty section and thought to yourself that no self respecting girl would attach colored feathers to her eyelashes? I still think of that when I read my big girl magazines, and see a style that suggests that a quarter inch of black liner around your eye is totally casual. I mean if that's your look, you do you, but you don't need all of that.
Some girls say that they wear a lot of makeup to impress guys. One, guys think that an eyelash curler is a torture device, and two, they think that Kim Kardashian doesn't wear makeup. Boys are clueless, don't dress for them, dress for you. Also, almost every Cosmo beauty survey I've ever read says that guys prefer the "natural look." Obviously as girls we know a perfect completion is usually not natural, but we'll let them think what they want.
Hair and makeup are tools to express who you are, but they do not define you or your beauty. If you refuse to leave the house without makeup on, take a step back. Do not see makeup or pretty hair as a necessity. Have the confidence to know that with or without makeup, you are beautiful, and regardless of what you look like, you're still an awesome person and a whole package. A zit or a bad hair day is much easier to fix than an ugly personality, and you don't need makeup to be beautiful.
I'm planning on writing one post a day and as of right now, my topics are broken down into eyes, face, lips, hair, and general body beauty. I'm very excited to write these, and if there is anything specific I should cover in either this beauty series or in the future, DM me on twitter or use my ask (ask.fm/LillyandLattes).
Stay classy dolls!