Finals week is the one time of year when girls can dress
like a total wreck and no other girls can say anything about it. Let’s admit
it, finals week sucks. We all know it, and even if you took introduction to
hair straightening as a class you are bound to have at least a few exams or
papers that naturally, you leave until the last minute. So you are usually
running on very little sleep, running late, and driving the struggle bus. This
is the perfect mixture that results in the sans-alcohol hot mess. But even when
you are scrambling to pull yourself together, it’s not all that hard to still look
like you haven’t gone completely batshit crazy.
1) The "cute casual" look
getting up to do your hair and makeup and taking the time to look flawless is
worth the effort, but not this week. For once getting a good grade is more
important than your makeup. However, there is of course the “dress well test
well” policy. This mostly applies to the fraternity men who have not gone to
class all semester, but looking better will make you feel better, and therefore,
you will test better. It’s simple, really. Messy bun. Mascara. Pearls. Then throw
on norts, a giant t-shirt (preferably one without your letters), and your favorite
perfume and boom, you’re ready. Don’t forget sunglasses to hide the bags under
your eyes and Starbucks to help you actually function.
An “I don’t give a flying fuck” attitude
The most important
part of being a hot mess is reminding everyone that you are a hot mess, but
zero fucks are given. Casually complain about how little sleep you got, or how
many hours you spent procrastinating studying, and then be that super obnoxious
bitch that is like “oh my gawd I look like a total freak today.” Yes you barely
tried, and yes you still look better than everyone most of the girls in your
class. Count your blessings, sweetie.
3) Other people that make you look normal
you are past the point of no return of looking like a shit show, it’s time to
find someone that is having an even tougher time than you are. Even if the
contrast doesn't make you look more like a functioning member of society, at
least you will have someone to share your struggles with.